Wonderful Wednesday Turns and Spots
From the Big Beige
Book of Ballet Statutes comes this law:
“If it turns, it spots.” Almost
any turning movement involves a spotting movement of the head. This includes often overlooked movements as
promenades, pique fouettés, détournées, etc.
– as well as jumping turns like grand jeté en tournant.
The only exceptions are in the debated area of turns that
revolve slowly – like arabesque, attitude, or à la seconde turns. Some dancers do not spot these at all, some use
a modified, slower turning of the head.
But Statute #5 still stands.
“If it turns, it spots”.
From the Big Beige Book of Ballet Statutes:
Statute #5:
“If it turns, it spots.”
of the Day:
“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused
on the outcome, not the obstacles.”
-T.F. Hodge
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