Sunday Motivation
What motivates a human?
Many studies have been done on this subject, but I ran across one
recently that is interesting. It is
described in a book by Gordon Torr called Managing
Creative People. Psychologist
Theresa Amabile did a study involving 29 professional artists. They were asked to submit ten works that were
commissioned, and ten that were not.
Overwhelmingly, the ten that were not commissioned – that is, the
artists created what they wanted –
were rated higher than the commissioned works.
Now, I don’t think that is surprising. Amabile writes in How to Kill Creativity: “…people
will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest,
satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself – not by external pressures.”
So what can we take away from this? We need to focus on what drives us internally. That’s difficult, especially for dancers who
are constantly under the microscope of others.
So we need to remember why we
dance. We need to remind ourselves to
focus on the passion within that got us here in the first place. Place that love first on a daily basis and it will help keep the motivational fires
From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:
Motivational Secret #17:
“Remind yourself daily
about the passion that lives inside you.”
Link of the Day:
of the Day:
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it
is something you design for the present.”
-Jim Rohn
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