2 3 Throwback Thursday and Little Sally | Ballet Webb

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Throwback Thursday and Little Sally

Throwback Thursday and Little Sally

Billed as “The Child Torpedo”, Sally Dimpty was an accomplished acrobat by the age of three. Her act was used by the war effort to raise money. Her father Sorrell was an acrobat, coach and choreographer, and he created the act that made her a star.

“The Child Torpedo” mocked the German Navy while proclaiming America’s prowess at sea. The act included a paper maché battleship which was rolled onstage to music played by an oompah band. The act is further described here:

“Sorrell Dimpty, dressed as a sailor in dress blues, entered with his daughter Sally and slid her across the stage towards the ship. The paper maché’ side would give way as the child smashed through the hull over and over again until the Kaiser would comically fall from his post to the sound effect of a splash. Sally won the day and ran up the aisle, leading audience members into the lobby to invest in the war.”

Little Sally’s image was featured on several magazine covers, and there was even a Little Sally Halloween costume.

Sally Dimpty spent the later part of her life in Maine. In honor of her 95th birthday, the Smithsonian honored her by displaying her torpedo costume and described her contributions to the war effort.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets
Dance History Factoid #193:
“ Little Sally was a young vaudeville star.”

Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
You have to be odd to be number one”
Dr. Seuss

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