2 3 Super Sunday Time Frame | Ballet Webb

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Super Sunday Time Frame

Super Sunday Time Frame

Today’s theme involves an old adage that works well to gain perspective and stay motivated. Whenever one is faced with a disappointment, a problem, or is simply having a “bad day”, ask this question: “Will this matter in ten years?”Most of the time, the answer is no.  Sometimes, of course, the answer is yes. But those yeses are in the minority and reserved for the fortunately rare life events that happen to everyone.

 Occasionally, the answer might be “maybe”. If one gets a low SAT score, will it matter in ten years? Maybe. If the test is taken again, and the score improves, it won’t matter. If the test isn’t taken again it is impossible to know if it will matter in ten years. Perhaps the student will choose a different university, or a different path entirely and end up having a wonderful life in an area they never anticipated.

Also try asking:  “Will this matter in five years?”;  or even “Will this matter next year?”  All these questions help us recognize those things that are really important and worth spending mental time and energy on.

So ask yourself these questions before getting too upset about anything. Few things are important enough to warrant “getting your knickers in a knot”.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:
Motivational Secret #83:  
“Will this matter in ten years?”

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”
Bertrand Russell

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Want to know more about me? Read my interview at Ballet Connections:

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