Proud Promenades
A promenade is a great preliminary step for pirouettes and
all turning movements. It teaches
correct weight placement (over the balls of the feet); and the correct “Flat
Stanley” alignment (no twisting of the body).
It also teaches the dancer to maintain, while slowly turning, the postural
lift away from gravity, as well as the “politely arrogant” attitude.
The word itself comes from the mid 16th century
French word se promener ‘to walk’,
and the verb means: “ to take a leisurely public walk, ride, or drive so as to
meet or be seen by others”. How
appropriate for a step done by a performing artist!
From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:
Secret #14a:
“The word ‘promenade’
means to take a walk so as to meet or be seen by others.”
Various vintage clips of different ballerinas in the
promenade section of the
Rose Adagio from Sleeping
Link of the Day:
of the Day:
“But the beauty is in the walking – we are betrayed by
Gwyn Thomas
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