2 3 Wacky Wednesday and a Sticky Pinky | Ballet Webb

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wacky Wednesday and a Sticky Pinky

Wacky Wednesday and a Sticky Pinky

There are times when the pinky toe makes contact with the floor, and times when it doesn't.  When a dancer stands on a full relevé, the little toe may or may not make contact.  This is determined by the individual’s foot and how the toes are structured.  If the little toe is significantly shorter than the big toe (this is normal), then it will not actually touch the floor in relevé.  The first three toes are usually the contact ones.

When the whole foot is on the floor, however, the little toe must make contact.  If it doesn't the foot rolls forward from the ankle and a weakened position is created.

To keep the little toes firmly on the floor, imagine that there is glue on the bottom of the toe.  Or Velcro.  Whatever image works to keep the pinky securely adhered to the floor.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:
Secret #7gg:  
“ Imagine glue under the pinky toe.”

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.
-          Walter Elliot 

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