2 3 Fun Friday Ice Cream | Ballet Webb

Friday, June 29, 2018

Fun Friday Ice Cream

Fun Friday Ice Cream

During the hot days of summer, I love a big scoop of ice cream. Yum! So today’s idea involves that delicious treat.

Pas de cheval is a common step, and a very essential one. It trains the body to pick the foot up off the floor so it is fully pointed, it utilizes the turn out as the foot extends, and it prepares the body for the multitude of times the foot moves this way before going into another step. It is, quite possibly, one of the most useful steps in ballet.

The problems usually occur either when the foot comes off the floor (it doesn’t fully stretch), and/or as the foot moves outward and the stretch is lost or never achieved (floppy foot). Scary.

Instead, on every pas de cheval think of scooping the ice cream (as the foot comes up), then serving the ice cream as the foot extends, (beautifully presenting the heel forward).

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets
Secret #4x:
“During a pas de cheval think:  scoop the ice cream, serve the ice cream.”

Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.”
― Don Kardong

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