Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday Boxed In

Sunday Boxed In

We’ve all heard the phrase “Think out of the box”. This directive is usually given when one is trying to come up with some creative solution or project. But thinking out of the box could serve another purpose.

We are all creatures of habit, and we tend to inhabit comfortable, routine “boxes”. That’s okay, up to a point. But when we begin feeling “boxed in” or unmotivated it is time to step out of the box – at least for a little while.

This stepping out can happen in many different ways, and I’m not talking about making any big changes or doing great big things – just little ones. Drive to work a different way, read a book or see a movie in a genre you haven’t explored. Attend an event and meet new people. Anything that makes you aware of a world different than your own. Human beings are invigorated by new things.

This is especially important for young people who simply haven’t lived long enough to experience lots of different things. So for them even vicarious experiences (like good books, movies, or conversations) can open the door to new ways of thinking, feeling or being.

Step out!
From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:

Motivational Secret #81:  
“Step out of the life box you live in.”

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
““How many things have to happen to you before something occurs to you?”
Robert Frost

                Help expand the knowledge base!
 Leave a comment about any instructions, ideas, or images that worked best for you!

Want to know more about me? Read my interview at Ballet Connections:

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