Saturday, January 24, 2015

Super Saturday Water Glasses

Super Saturday Water Glasses

Here we go again with yet another image using water. This time it is designed to promote proper posture.

A common malady for dancers involves the shoulders. The shoulders cave inward, they droop forward, they tilt backwards, or they slant sideways. There are many other possibilities as well.  Instead, in classical ballet, the shoulders are expected to be level. Most of the time. There are exceptions:  in port de bras or cambrés, or in places where there is a slight forward lean with an inclined upper body as in brisés or jetés.

Keeping the shoulders level and square is particularly important for beginners as they learn how to keep their body aligned correctly, but it is also critical for dancers at other levels as they struggle to perfect new steps and achieve higher levels of technique.

The image for keeping the shoulders level  is a simple one:  imagine a glass of water balanced on each shoulder. Don’t spill any of the water or (Gasp!) drop the glass.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:

Secret #1mm:  
Imagine a glass of water balanced on each shoulder.

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
““It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

                Help expand the knowledge base!
 Leave a comment about any instructions, ideas, or images that worked best for you!

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