Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Sun

Sunday Sun

Last summer I noticed an old, gnarly rhododendron bush in front of my house. It was almost completely bent over and surrounded by a variety of weeds and volunteer trees that kept it in perpetual shade. The bush looked sad to me, as though it had given up. My husband went to work clearing out the overgrowth and after a few weeks a wonderful thing happened. The bush began to lift its old branches upward – toward the sun.

All plants do this – stretch in the direction of the sun – even the shy, shade loving ones. It is as though all living things have a natural preference to lean toward the positive.

That’s what we need to do. Clear away the dark thoughts. Reach toward the sun, which for us would include doing good things and thinking good thoughts. Without sun, we will become as bent over as my rhododendron bush.

So this week think about the beautiful trees and plants you see, even the dormant winter ones. Look closely and even now you’ll see some with tiny buds reaching skyward in anticipation of spring.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:

Secret #55:  
“Think about how plants stretch toward the sun.”

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“The sun always shines above the clouds.”
Paul F. Davis
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