Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday One on One

Sunday One on One

Sometimes it feels overwhelming, trying to do our best and help others in a world that is so full of need and chaos. Watching a single newscast at the end of the day can really deflate our enthusiasm. Why try at all? Why not just give up and say “I’m only one person”? We all have these thoughts. But take heart!

The important thing here is the “one person” quote. One person can do great things, even monumental things. The trick is this: we do these things one person at a time. I have written before about never knowing how far our influence goes, and this one on one idea is a prime example. Offer a kind word to a stranger who appears sad or lost; hold a door open for an elderly person; or give a smile to someone who needs one. One person helping one person. We will never know how far each individual act of kindness goes, and that’s okay.

Stop and think for a moment about how the world would be if everyone practiced this “one on one” idea every day.

From the Big Blue Book of Ballet Secrets:

Motivational Secret #53:  
“Do one good thing for one person.”

                Link of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
““Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu

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